Greetings! Even here in Deep South Georgia, only 15 miles from the Florida line, it ‘s getting chilly! In the interest of time (yours – reading; mine – writing), I’m compartmentalizing this post with various highlights. Please do comment or reply, I love hearing from all of you! Here we go:
I’ve been spending most of my time in this area, re-editing some compositions that I haven’t published with Colla Voce, Inc. All of these I’ve self-published with SMP Press (Sheet Music Plus). I will upload a list with links over on the music/choral page of this website. I hope you’ll take a look and, if you are a choral director or church musician, I hope you will program my music. If you do, please let me know about it. It’s getting a bit late for the holiday season choral preparations, but there are other things on the list as well. Of course, with the pandemic issues, nothing is certain for the coming holiday season. I do continue to publish my advanced compositions with Colla Voce and you will find those over on the music/choral page as well.
Two things here. I am in self-quarantine until October 14 (I’ve tested twice for C0vid-19, both negative). The reason for the quarantine is that I’ll be spending a month in Atlanta starting October 15 when I will again resume my favorite role as Grandpa-Nanny for our now precocious five-year-old Eva! This comes about because Daniela and Alek have accepted positions with Atlanta Opera as part of the Atlanta Opera Players Company! Their first assignment is for the production of Ullman’s Der Kaiser von Atlantis where Daniela will be the Drummer and Alek will be Harlequin. Atlanta Opera has come up with a unique effort to combat the ongoing virus dilemma. They will begin performing this fall in a circus tent with limited seating. It’s a wonderful thing to help professional singers find some employment as opera companies world-wide are shut down. These folks had most of their contracts canceled resulting in NO income! Bravo Atlanta Opera.
So, while Daniela and Alek head off to the tent, Eva and I will be doing virtual school through Valwood in Valdosta, and having a great time together. Two years ago, we did several marvelous weeks in Oviedo, Spain while the parental types were in Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito. I’m looking forward to round two in Atlanta. We’ll be home just in time for Turkey Day!
I am working on the composition of another opera project, but more on that later.
Gosh! I really liked Kate Atkin’s first four Jackson Brodie books – BUT – I just completed number five (Big Sky), and I confess I’m not a fan! It took forever to plod through the endless narratives. I spent almost the entire quarter on this one book! Consequently, I’m behind my self-imposed schedule. Now I’m on to JA Jance’s Sins of the Father and it’s a real page turner. I love the JP Beaumont character – maybe because he’s 72 like me!!!
Doing a lot of thinking and contemplation on Twin Killing and Cedar Key – but still spinning wheels! Fingers crossed …
Still functioning as chair of the Valdosta Board of Realtors Professional Development Committee, which has had a very successful virtual year! Also still an active member of TEAM AIJA doing signage, showing houses, doing video shoots, flying the drone, and other miscellaneous stuff. We’re also haveing a great year despite the virus!
Still waiting for the RV – the Forest River R-Pod 180. Should be here about the time I get back from Atlanta. Moxie is being very patient to begin our adventures. My plan is to adda You Tube Channel (Moxie & Me – Takin’ a Mosey) to document all our adventures. I hope you’ll come along!
Well, after reading the last post, I guess I could have just written – Nothing New! Anyway, continuing to enjoy retirement, family, relatively good health, et al.! Peace, Health, and please wear a MASK!
My regards to my surrogate son. I’m sure he doesn’t remember me, but both D and I fondly remembering our babysitting gigs!
And living above us – was that Warrensville? I don’t remember! Lots of great memories! How is school going?